I felt so happy and nervous today morning....
n i also dun know i cant sleep n wake up at 6am....
n the competition is at 8.30am...
But my fren call me all people is there already, when 8am...
then i rush there, luckily not too late...( n_n )
When i reach there, I also do sum warm up wit my members...
when at 9am, the competition START.....
every people also very excited when having the competition...
N also my team( Infinity) Vs. (Alpha Q which is the strongest team)..
When I know my team going to vs them, I feel very scare...
but our team work is growing better and better..
my team members also feel that today our teamwork is the best...
athough we still lost(1:2)...... (T.T)
but the croud is shouting our group name...
I feel very proud... hehe
SECOND, this i feel very unfair...
the organisation of the competition...
my team play less competition than others...
after we lost that match, others 2 match is jus a friendly match only...
damn du lan leh....
if not we already hav 3rd place in our hand already...
haiz haiz haiz..
which is hav Rm500 leh...
damn unfair...
n our leader is urgue about this case....
n they like pushing this duty to one and another....
but the overall is fun lah...
n my lecturer, Mr. Joel also playing also and others 2 lecturer also playing( ms. yee and, Ms. Selina Ong)...
their team also very good...
n also hav great teamwork....
and one girl from their team ask us when we having the dodge ball traning..
n we feel very happy, cos hav girls 1 2 join leh....
in our club we dun hav enough girls....
n my team also do demo the those who dun know how to play n dun know the rules.
n also help the "refree" to comtrol the competition..
when around, 3.30pm, it start to rain...
but the competition still going on...
this sence is even exciting...
but my fren team dun 1 2 play in the rain.
n started to discuss about dividing the prices...
but end up wit play in the heavy rain....
n my team also be the "refree" again...
but is damn scare and exciting leh...
both teams is the best team leh..( as i know lah... haha.... dun know true anot)
it also is the final match, checkmate( which is help team also out team lah... haha) Vs. Alpha Q( hav sum international and state player)
but play with them is damn challenging and fun also...
I and my fren, go to eat around 5pm...
after eat, we all also go home rest loo..
but my muscle all pain already..
but I feel very happy having tis competition...
n also my team also got sun burn including me...
This is the pic when dodgeball competition...

Our alpha team- Checkmate

Checkmate Girl shooting another girl

Alpha Q( Kuang is sitting)

Checkmate shooter(Kuang)

The girl with the spec (jessica) infinity team also in my team...haha